Search results for "butler"


Secrets of the Mansion

Secrets of the Mansion

A murder mystery set in the 1930s, with a pinch of the unexpected. Who put away Lord Havisham, owner of Mayfair Mansion? Was it the maid? The lord... more
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The Butler Did It

The Butler Did It

Serving with dignity - this is your motto. But working for one of the most illustrious family of the city is not always easy. The... more
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Lusty Mansion

Lusty Mansion

When Lord Grabhem, the illustrious member of the aristocracy and an aging man married Lady Wanda, a young and lecherous woman, he was aware of the fact that... more
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Claire & Cara at Your Service

Claire & Cara at Your Service

Everybody in this house, the male staff and these three gorgeous maids in uniform alike, has a duty to cater to Madame and her husband's... more
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Sabrina Sweet Sabrina Sweet
Also known as:

Annamaria Santos, Ana Smith, Ana Maria Seitos, Anna Santos




January 11

Hair color:


Eye color:



Right nostril; tongue; navel ... more


Tribal on right ankle; ... more


50 kg


165 cm

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